When you visit the K2 Climbing Wall for the first time, you should be familiar with the operating and visitor rules. To ensure that you take away only the most beautiful memories and sporting experiences from us, please read them carefully and avoid unnecessary injuries.
Every visitor (including the person who does not climb) is at the first entrance obliged to fill out and submit the registration form to the competent person (you can find it at the K2 reception) and his signature confirms that he is familiar with the operating rules and safety on the climbing and bouldering wall.

Operating and visiting rules
K2 Climbing Wall
1. Obligations of visitors and users of the Climbing Wall – Basic provisions
- Every visitor to the Climbing Wall is obliged to take care of the protection and safety of their own health, as well as the protection and safety of other visitors.
- Every visitor is obliged to read the operating rules carefully and follow them.
- Every visitor (including a person who does not climb) upon first entry is obliged to fill out the registration form truthfully, where he confirms with his signature that he is familiar with the operating rules and safety on the climbing wall and confirms with his signature that he will comply with them.
- Violation of the operating rules may result in the visitor being expelled from the wall, with no right to a refund of the entry fee. In the event of a repeated violation of the operating rules, the violator may be permanently banned from entering the climbing wall facility; in such a case, the owners of time and entry passes will have these taken away without the right to a refund of the price paid.
- When entering the climbing wall, visitors are required to register in the registration system or show their season ticket.
- The visitor and user is obliged to follow the instructions of the reception staff and instructors.
- Upon arrival at the facility, the visitor is required to change clothes and shoes in a designated area (locker room) and only then enter the climbing wall facility itself.
- Climbing barefoot or in socks is prohibited for hygiene reasons. Only climbing shoes and clean sports shoes are permitted.
- The visitor is obliged to act in a way that does not pollute the climbing wall, bouldering wall, toilets, changing rooms, or the surroundings of the facility.
- It is prohibited to dismantle any parts of the climbing wall structure (holds, belaying, etc.)
- Do not leave valuables unattended. The wall operator is not responsible for their loss. Visitors are obliged to properly store valuables and larger amounts of money.
- Entry with pets is prohibited.
- Each visitor is fully responsible for any injuries caused by violating the operating rules. The operator bears no responsibility for injuries and damages caused by one's own carelessness and violation of the operating rules.
- The area surrounding the climbing wall and its common interior spaces may be monitored by a camera system and the video footage from the camera system may be stored. Monitoring the premises and storing the footage from the camera system serves to protect people and property.
2. Safety
- YOU USE THE CLIMBING WALL AT YOUR OWN RISK! Every user is aware that climbing on an artificial wall is associated with risks that the operator - even when following all the rules stated in the operating rules - is unable to eliminate. Mutual consideration is important. Using a climbing wall requires full concentration when climbing and belaying.
- Only persons properly trained and experienced in climbing, rope handling techniques, and belaying techniques are allowed to climb independently in the climbing center. and the use of self-assured devices. It is your own responsibility to complete training in safe climbing and belaying techniques, or to receive training from the wall staff on the use of belay devices.
- If a wall employee determines that a visitor is not capable of working independently on the climbing wall, they have the right, in the interest of their own safety and the safety of other visitors, to prohibit them from participating in sports activities in the facility until they demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary skills.
- When climbing, only equipment intended for this sport (with CE marking) may be used.
- The visitor is obliged to immediately notify the employee of any defects or deficiencies that could endanger his safety or health, especially immediate and serious threats to life or health, and to participate in their elimination to the best of his ability.
- In the event of an accident, the visitor is obliged to report the accident to a wall employee.
- Entry and movement on the wall is prohibited for persons under the influence of alcohol, narcotics and psychotropic substances, and it is also prohibited to consume alcohol in areas designated for sports.
- Smoking and handling fire are prohibited in the climbing wall building.
- Children under 15 years of age may only move and climb in the wall facility when accompanied by an adult or designated instructor. The movement of children in the fall zone is particularly dangerous and for this reason is prohibited.
- Minor visitors between the ages of 15 and 18 may only engage in climbing activities with the valid consent of a legal guardian, who must be registered upon entering the wall.
- While on the climbing wall, visitors are required to avoid the fall zone. The fall zone represents the entire projection of the overhanging profiles and the space at a distance of 2 m from the start of the perpendicular and slightly overhanging profiles, the bouldering wall - landing area and the entire gym.
- Entry to the gym is permitted only for the purpose of exercising/climbing.
- When climbing with a rope, the use of a climbing helmet is recommended.
- All users are aware that the holds and feet can turn or, in extreme cases, break. Users assume all responsibility for injuries associated with this point.
- Only a person in good health is allowed to climb.
- Consumption of food and drinks is prohibited in the hall. Only drinks from closed bottles are permitted. 2.2 Entry with glasses, drinks in unclosed containers or sharp objects is prohibited.
- A visitor without authorization to provide training in the field of climbing on artificial walls cannot train another visitor in the field of climbing and belaying.
3. Rules for rope climbing
- The climber and belayer must check each other before each route (figure of eight knot, seat, belay device, carabiner)
- With semi-automatic belay devices (Gri-Gri, Tre, etc.), the belayer is prohibited from giving a falling climber a slip.
- The rope must be at least 40 meters long.
- The breaker must be located in the immediate vicinity (1-2 meters) of the road entrance. For a noticeably lighter breaker, we recommend using a means of reducing the weight difference - Ohm.
- Belaying is only allowed while standing.
- The first climber must turn on all progressive espressos while climbing.
- It is forbidden to leave the rope hanging freely in the path and thereby block other climbers.
- It is forbidden to click express tickets in multiple lines.
- Only one rope may be snapped into one quickdraw.
- The use of custom expressions is prohibited.
- Setting up stands and rappelling are prohibited.
- Rivets without expressions must not be used
- Fast startup is generally prohibited. The belayer is responsible for the safety of the climber as well as third parties, whom he could endanger by improper lowering.
- If a climber is found on a route (regardless of whether they are climbing from below or top-rope), no one else is allowed to enter that route.
- Climbing without a rope is prohibited!! Traversing (bouldering) is allowed with feet at a maximum height of 1.5 meters. The rule applies - a climber climbing the wall always has priority over a climber without a rope. (Does not apply to bouldering walls)
- It is prohibited to use mobile phones or be distracted in any other way while climbing and belaying with a rope.
- When climbing with a fixed top rope, Only climb on ropes designated for this purpose. Knots and carabiners on these ropes must not be untied or removed.
- A second climber with his own rope Due to the impending pendulum, the climber may only climb on a rope that is connected to all intermediate belays leading to the last carabiner. The second climber must have both belays connected to the top belay – an express and a carabiner.
- Visitors under the age of 15 are prohibited from belaying.
- Minor visitors over the age of 15 are permitted to belay only under the supervision of an adult who fully possesses the necessary skills and abilities.
- It is prohibited to use a half boat knot and a figure eight for belaying.
4. Rules for climbing on a bouldering wall
- It is forbidden to leave any objects on the landing area, e.g. bottles, brushes, climbing frames, seats... When hitting them, there is a risk of injury or damage to the landing area.
- It is forbidden to climb in climbing chairs.
- While on a bouldering wall, it is necessary to avoid the fall zone below climbers and maintain a safe distance from other climbers.
- Climbing onto and jumping off the terrace is prohibited.
- The movement of people on the landing area is permitted only for the purpose of climbing.
5. Rules for the KIDSWALL children's climbing wall
- Entry to the KIDSWALL is permitted only for the purpose of climbing.
- Climbing on the KIDSWALL is only allowed for children under 18 years of age.
- Children under 15 years of age must always be accompanied by an adult.
- The free movement of children without a responsible person is prohibited.
- Climbing is only permitted in clean sports shoes or climbing boots.
- It is prohibited to use magnesium or otherwise pollute the holds on KIDSWALL.
- Only climbing equipment (climbing seat and helmet) intended for this purpose is allowed on KIDSWALL.
- Climbing equipment is issued by a wall employee and returned to the designated location, or to a wall employee who issues it to the wall employee.
- Before climbing, make sure that the child is properly wearing a seat belt, helmet, and is properly secured.
- The customer is obliged to report any identified deficiencies in material and technical security to the wall operator.
- Customers are required to respect the instructions of the wall operators and information boards.
- In case of necessity, uncertainty, health threat, etc., customers are obliged to call the reception using the emergency button, which is located on the lower and upper floors of KIDSWALL.
- A climber may only climb on a line where there is a belay device, where it is secured.
- While on the wall, it is forbidden to stay in the fall zone (2m from the wall).
- The drop zone of a crane profile is the entire area under the crane boom. Jumping onto a crane profile is only permitted from the platform located in the crane cabin. Jumping from other locations is strictly prohibited!
- The use of wooden ice axes is only permitted on the "glacier" profile. The use of these wooden ice axes is prohibited on other profiles.
- If the climber is secured on a belay device, he does not move more than 2m away from the wall, nor does he pull the rope from the belay device in any other way.
6. Rules for climbing on self-belays
- Only visitors trained by the climbing wall staff are allowed to climb on self-belays.
- When securing a climber to a belay device, it is necessary to attach both carabiners to the central eye of the seat with the lock facing each other.
- If the climber is secured on a belay device, he does not move more than 2 m from the wall, nor does he pull the rope from the belay device in any other way.
- If other customers are waiting for the belay device, the climber may climb a maximum of 2 routes in a row and then release the belay device for another customer.
- A climber may only climb on a line where there is a belay device on which he is secured.
- The movement of people in the fall zone of belay devices is prohibited.
- After using the self-locking device, only one carabiner needs to be attached to the safety triangle, the other remains hanging freely.
- If the belay device does not retract for any reason, the customer is obliged to stop climbing and report this fact to the climbing wall staff. (functional test of the belay device)
- Minor climbers under the age of 15 are put on, checked and taken off the self-service device by a responsible adult.
7. Material
- Each visitor is responsible for the good condition of their equipment (UIAA tests, etc.).
- If a wall employee discovers deficiencies in a visitor's equipment, they have the right to notify them and request a replacement of the equipment.
- If deficiencies are discovered on the wall (belays, holds, carabiners, ropes), climbers are required to immediately report this to the wall supervisor or reception staff.
- The wall operator assumes no responsibility for damage caused to persons due to violation of the operating rules, incorrect belaying techniques or rope manipulation, poor-quality equipment, carelessness, disrespect for other climbers, etc. and damage to property, as well as for personal belongings. Anyone who causes damage or injures other persons must bear the consequences themselves. The climbing wall, as the climbing wall operator, assumes no responsibility in this case.
8. Groups and courses
- Courses and training may only be conducted by properly trained persons, which have obtained the consent of the wall operator. They must prove their competence to perform this activity with a valid authorization.
- It is prohibited to conduct a course/training in the field of belaying techniques without the authorization and consent of the wall operator.
- Course participants must follow all instructions from the course leader and instructors.
9. Climbing Wall Opening Hours
- They are shown by default at the entrance to the climbing wall and on the climbing wall page.
- There may be cases where it will be necessary to close part or all of the wall (road construction, inspections, competitions, events, etc.). Such exceptional cases will be announced in advance on the website and at the entrance to the climbing wall.
- KIDSWALL is open during standard opening hours of the climbing wall. There may be cases when KIDSWALL is occupied by a group or a children's party. Such changes are published in the reservation system lezeckastena.isportsystem.sk