IV. Anniversary

Home Climbing race IV. Anniversary

IV. Anniversary

IV. Anniversary

of Opening Climbing Wall K2

We wouldn't say that we already have four years. With humans, the age of four starts the preschool period, but we feel like in good ripe wine.

In the fourth anniversary we are preparing a climbing marathon. It's pairs competition in climbing up the most climbing routes. The difficulty of climbing routes is counting. You can count the route as climbed when you climb it without falling, resting or sitting. When you register, you will get a ticket where you write your climbed routes. If you'll have enough, you give the ticket to the referee. There will also be some refreshments and good goulash stew.


  • date: Friday 10. 02. 2017
  • climbing marathon: 17:00 – 22:00
  • fee: €7 (refreshments, goulash)
  • afterparty

IV. Výročie Otvorenia lezeckej steny K2 - Bratislava

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